Retail in Asia

In Shops

Building your defences against organized retail crime

Shoplifting is a persistent challenge for retailers trying balance a pleasant shopping environment against a drain on their merchandise, profits, and patience. US shrink measured $35.28 billion, or 1.49% of 2010 retail sales — more than auto theft, burglary, larceny, and robbery combined. Worldwide, shrink accounts for more than $107 billion.

Tyco Retail Solutions offers a broad range of technology and software solutions to help retailers combat Organized Retail Crime, including:

  • Jammer Detection feature built into many detection systems, so retailers can detect and counteract attempts to defeat their Loss Prevention technologies
  • Metal-Foil Detection upgrades for Ultra-Exit detection system, so retailers can detect foil-lined booster bags carried into their stores
  • Electronic Public View Monitors providing shelf-level visibility and linked to
  • advanced detectors for end-‐to-‐end recording of theft events
  • Video Analytic Solutions that monitor shoppers’ dwell time to detect and report ORC-‐signature “sweeping” events

To find out more, download the full report "Building your defences against organized crime" at the above link.

More information available at the Tyco website